Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sultry, Sunny Saturday in Dondo

Phew! What a Scorcher - went the 'Sun' headline during one of our hottest summers in the UK. Don't know what the paper would make of today - hot sunny and humid, OK if your on hoilday but no picnic if you have to work. I doubt that any of you reading this in England will have the slightest sympathy for Dan and myself as you struggle with the cold and we compalin about the heat. God created both to challenge us.

Dondo went did we. Lights fit some and paint did we. That was Yoda speak. Dan, Pedro and yours truly. Pedro was the guy who helped us paint a lot last year - Josh will remember him - he sends his regards to Josh.

This is Pedro painting at Dondo. That's not Dan in the background.

Dan painted the high bits - I knew his altitude would come in handy. Dan also played loads with the little children on his own. Though he did get help when he discovered on of the little ones with pants off and a huge soft steamy lump on the floor entangled with his pants which were also on the floor. He'd done the job and certainly wasn't going to carry it around with him for any time at all. What's the point of a Poo after all. One of the helpers came with bucket and disinfected water to wipe up after scooping, much to Dan's relief. Dan helped one of the little ones to walk. There should be a video below showing her first steps and the part Dan played. But it took to long to load. After an hour and a half it ground to a halt with an error. So no video.

The electrical installation at Dondo has had a number of additions and modifications which might have seemed logical and appropriate at the time but now they've weathered and been used present some problems. That's a polite way of saying the wiring's a nightmare. At least I can turn it all off, which I frequently do. Progess is slow, by the time the transport to Beira arrives I've only done 3 of 5. But hey that's 3 less to do. Then the list of lights grows as Alece (or is it Alice) tells me she wants 2 more on the outside. We'll have to return on Monday to complete the work as the painting is not done and the table not repaired.

All this is good news as God is continuing to work with us. However some stunning news is that the blue truck is now back on the road. Augusto told me he had taken it for an 'experience' - think he ment a test drive - and he says that it is all ok. We will just have to see if the MTBF has improved. (MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures.) I'll try and get some shots for the record tomorrow. Oh yes Sunday, Dan is preaching having been asked by another, different, pastor to preach in his church. Not sure If Pastor Bonga knows. Dan says PB does know. Dan has gone to prepare.


Cozzie (not in Mozzie) said...

Painting looking good guys- well done. I can relate to the poo pile, Dan - happened to me too. The kids thought it was hilarious when they saw the look of horror on my face as one of the younger lads crouched and produced "ca-ca" then just strolled off and left it sitting there ready for somebody else to tread in! It is SOOOO cold here - I wish I could be sharing the African sun with you - I'd complain less about the weather there than I am about it here! Keep up the fab work guys - and God bless you both. And Dan - steer clear of the dollars down the drawers tomorrow xx

Victoria said...

oh if only to be with you and sweating in that heat again!!! it's freezing here, make sure you have a jumper ready on Tuesday Phil!
Great work done today well done!
Fab news about the blue truck - hope it stays on the road now!
Hope tomorrow goes well Dan, are you at PB Phil? will pass your message on to church! thinking of you both!

Dan Chant said...

Ah Dan in your element in every way-I can just imagine!!
If I tell you there is 2inches of snow and growing here does that make you feel better in the heat....or does it just make me feel worse!
Keep up the good work guys!

Martin said...

Hi Phil & Dan - keep it up guys, you're doing a great job. Our peace in england has been shattered by the return of the magnificant 7!
Take care now!

Cozzie (not in Mozzie) said...

Just thought I'd update you on the weather - IT'S SNOWING!!!!! Is it possible to skype me some sunshine please......

Unknown said...

hi phil and dan
Ju has found out that she was working tonite but has skived . feeling a little better and is cold still snowing.
