Sunday, November 11, 2007

A day of rest.

Today's blog is written by Sue & Bob Cooper:
[A message for Ben Lenton - I was sorry to hear about your Grandma, Ben. Was unable to put a comment on your blog, so hope you see this.]
Another amazing day today, Sunday. We split into 2 teams to worship at Pastor Bonga and Pastor Boniface's churches. One team took puppets to Pastor Bonga's church, Victoria played her flute, and Dave preached. The people enjoyed learning "Praise ye the Lord, Alleluia" with the usual actions! The rest of us went to Pastor Boniface's church where we were warmly welcomed. The worship & praise were energetic and joyful - I (Sue) was priveleged to be given a sarong by Pastor Boniface's wife and lead forward to dance with all the ladies in the church. I wasn't really in step but I enjoyed it, and they seemed happy with me. After this, 4 new converts came forward and Bob & Dan were asked to pray for them. Phil then preached a challenging sermon. I then had the exciting but daunting task of giving a name to a baby boy. I felt God wanted me to call him Abraham, a man of faith and father of many righteous people. (see picture - Left to right, Pastor Boniface's wife Helena, Sue holding baby Abraham, & his mum)

We were joined after the service by the rest of the team and given a delicious feast in the church, cooked and served by their members.

After returning to the centre we walked around Beira - through a shanty town on the edge of the beach (an amazing experience) on to the port, where we watched a beautiful sunset.

Returning eventually through the city back to the centre, where yet another delicious meal of fish heads and tails awaited us!
A real day of rest.


Marion said...

Well done Sue for naming baby Abraham.Your photo is brilliant.

Miss you dad

Matthew MacLellan

Jackie said...

Great Phots's! We showed some of the photos of your trip in church this morning. We also prayed for you all. Everyone's spouses and children seemed fine, so don't worry about them

Sue you look brilliant in your sarong.

Enough rest back to work tomorrow.

Love Jackie

Judy Ray said...

Hi Sue. Great to hear from you. Have been sharing some of the news with some of the staff at school. Judy

benji said...
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Unknown said...

hope the fish heads were tasty
the photos are great.
children are starting to miss you
Alasdairs consultants was fine


benji said...

Thank you Mrs Cooper, please bring some photos back for us to see at SULP

Service went well. A lot turned up Grandma was very popular.

See you soon BEN